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Advanced Field Sales
Management Software

Your end to end cloud-based  Field Sales Management Software. Manage, strategise sales and optimise team performance with precision and ease.

Unified Product Information Management

Centralised System for Updated Data Access
Optimise Teamwork with Real-Time Synchronisation
Enhance Efficiency with Instant Information Exchange
Ensure Accuracy with Unified Data Management

Collaborative Product Content Development

 Enable team collaboration when creating and managing product content via a centralised platform, with changes updated in real-time. This way, through a solution offering consistency and accuracy, it improves the creative processes and makes content management easy for the whole organisation.

Boost Efficiency through Detailed Product Management
Efficient Time Management through Smart Automation
Equipping Teams for Innovative Content Creation
Maintain Operations with Reliable Offline Support
Refine Content Strategy with Advanced Versioning
Optimise Content Creation through Team Collaboration

Enhancing Sales Strategies

The tools are designed to support and refine sales strategies by providing teams with accurate data and insights for informed decision-making. Detailed and assimilated product information, combined with customer insights, helps tailor the right sales approaches to meet market requirements.

Tailor Sales Approaches with Custom Strategies
Align Strategies with Collaborative Sales Planning
Increase Conversion with Quick Order Processing
Accelerate Transactions with Online Orders
Increase Impact with Engaging Storytelling Tools
Enhance Revenue through Strategic Assortment
Boost Sales through Targeted Sales Tactics
Increase Conversions with Streamlined Onboarding

Revolutionising Sales with Virtual Capabilities

Harness the power of virtual sales with innovative tools that surpass traditional selling boundaries. The platform allows for seamless digital interactions that ensure effectiveness in reaching customers by your sales force, wherever they are.

Increase Conversion with Interactive Virtual Demos
Boost Loyalty through Brand Value
Accelerate Decisions with Real-Time Information
Manage Multiple pricing scenarios & Discounts efficiently
Access up to date product relevant information with Digital Catalogues
Streamline Sales and Inventory with Advanced Scheduling

Effective Communication and Connection

Improve business relations and communication with the team or clients at all organisational levels. Your team members will work while keeping connectivity important for updates and collaboration. By optimising communication strategies, Hark helps improve responsiveness and strengthen relationships, ensuring every interaction supports and drives your business objectives.

Enhance Decision-Making with Advanced Range Visualization
Enhance Credibility through Product Knowledge
Improve Decision-Making process with 3D Visualisation
Enhancing Collaboration with User Feedback
Improve Team Dynamics with Real-time Discussions

Leverage latest technology

Embrace the forefront of  technological innovation, which will underpin business process alignment and improve operational efficiency. Embracing the latest technology helps you stay on top of trends that occur in any industry, improve the management of products, and offer the best customer experience possible.

Multi-Platform Availability with Multilingual Support
Serve remote customers seamlessly with offline app capabilities
Integrate with existing order processing systems
Runs in the cloud (Amazon AWS)

Enhanced Customer Experience

Enhance customer experience using advanced tools that streamline procedures and improve consumer engagement. Customer experience optimisation optimises every touchpoint for satisfaction and effectiveness, strengthening relationships and loyalty. Focusing on the client journey lets you provide excellent service and gain a competitive edge.

Personalised strategies provided by Dedicated Account Managers
Comprehensive Support from setup to ongoing processes
Get total support for all activities from an expert in-house team
Custom Approaches for Streamlined Operations
Accelerate Go-to-Market with Efficiency

Customer testimonials

We’ve streamlined our business with the help of Mobile Enterprise System’s powerful solution - it’s a great investment for wholesale distributors looking to grow their business.
Arrabawn, Agri-Based Organisation, Ireland
Mobile Enterprise Systems have removed a lot of inaccuracies and frustrations; without the system, we’d need three to four people to do what one person can now do.
Mr Scratchings Pork, Scratchings, Bradford
The System from mobile Enterprise Systems has allowed us to service more customers with the same number of staff and certainly helped us be more efficient.
Prep House Sauce Manufacturer, Northern Ireland
The ability to instantly access both customer and staff information has enabled me to make fact based decisions, to have accurate information on products, customer and finance needs allows the business to plan, grow and enhance the service we provide to the customer.
Tracy Legget, Owner of Barnies Foods Ltd

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Van Sales Automation E-book

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Case Studies

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Revolutionise Your
Sales and Distribution Process